Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Show me the money!

Guido Fawkes makes a good point when he asks the BBC's political reporter Nick Robinson to detail his expenses, as the debate on parliamentary spending rumbles on.

Today's papers detail the lost battle of MPs to block the Freedom of Information Act, which they had tried to block in attempt to avoid the disclosure of their spending related to second homes.

The Speaker, Michael Martin, and Tory MP Derek Conway have both come under attack in recent weeks. It was revealed that Martin's wife had racked up bills going into thousands travelling around London spending her money in expensive London fashion boutiques while Conway had employed his sons, at considerable expense, to do - it turned out - very little.

Campaigner and author Heather Brooke, said: "This ruling will wrest control from the old boys' club and put it back it where it belongs - with the constituents."

I'm not so sure, whether MPs spending will be reined under control is yet to be seen. But I for one, would relish the chance to enjoy Mr Robinson's expense budget. The Ivy for tea, anyone?

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